
There can be no worthier goal than to better oneself, for while doing so, it is entirely possible that one may better the world.

That, quote has been stuck in my head ever since I read the The Discovery of India, by Jawaharlal Nehru. I can’t, for the life of me, find this quote in the book or anywhere else. So, I’m guessing it’s mine.

Thank you Digant Patel, for giving me the opportunity to share my quotes, by nominating this blog for the challenge.

Here are my nominees for today:

  1. Wanderlust
  2. On The Land
  3. Autistsix

They are all beautiful and well written blogs. Please do check them out.

These are the rules of the challenge:

1.Three quote for three days.
2.Three nominees each day(no repetition).
3.Thank the person who nominated you.
4.Inform the nominees.

15 thoughts on “Three Days, Three Quotes Challenge (#3)

  1. I like the idea of today’s quote.., it makes sense that if we each improve ourselves positive change in our country and the world will happen. Thank you so much for the nomination…coincidentally I ‘m in the middle of a three quote challenge which I have been posting on Sundays…you probably didn’t realize they were challenge posts because I put that information at the end 🙂 so if you have another nominee in mind perhaps you could give it to them or if not I could respond to your challenge in about three months. Thanks again…I could nominate you this Sunday if you would like another run 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the response. Sorry about the re nomination. I’ll challenge someone else. I did go through your blog, must have missed it 😀
      Thank you for offering to nominate me again, but I think I’ve run out of quotes for now:)

      Liked by 1 person

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